"Premium Spa Resorts" is an exclusive Luxury Wellness Group with Spa Hotels & Spa Resorts that are among the finest and best of their kind. Our goal is to arouse astonishment and enthusiasm and to enable the most luxurious wellness stays.
These are the main cornerstones for which we stand with our full hearts. Forgetting the hustle and bustle of everyday life, completely relaxing and experiencing holistic relaxation are the results of our successful concept of luxury. We define luxury as a perfect interplay of space, friendliness, nature, quality, location, service and facilities.
Balancing body, mind and soul promises a positive attitude to life.
Premium Spa Resorts
balance of body, mind & soul
Geneviève Dobler BA
takes care of the best combination of technology, news and aesthetics and is known for always striving for the optimum - even as a mother.
Anna Wanker
loves her job as a writer, as a journalist and PR copywriter, she focuses on the "legible needs" of the premium spa customers, private attention: their children.
Thomas Pakfeifer
managing director
E hello(@)pakfeifer.net
T +43 (0) 660 344 2900
W www.premiumsparesorts.com